A Clean, Well-lighted, Place
So… great news! I am off the people in poverty looking for affordable housing waiting list and should be moving soon. I have an appointment with my local HUD Office, who know me well, as before I ever taught myself to code, I had been in their stead since I moved on my own at 25 years old. Everyone I’ve ever met from the age of 20 on in the circles I ran in are mainstays in HUD. No relief for the downtrodden, I suppose.
Anyway, this shit is temporary again but not short. The situation I found myself in, grabbing a well-paying contract software job as interest rates skyrocketed and VC funds were drying up for crypto startups[1] and Big Tech was laying off hundreds of thousands of people meant that my non-essential frontend role would be eliminated and I knew that, especially when my boss and the company amicably parted ways. He brought me on.
It was a year of having more money than I’d ever seen in my whole life yet no stability because it was a contract position; all of us except my boss, the CEO, CDO, and CFO were contract workers. So I had no recourse after being laid off. Add to that the injury I suffered that kept me living in one room without getting out of bed and having to pay $2500 of my roughly $7200 a month pay check to my caretakers and $2000 for rent, plus another $500+ for utilties meant that there was nothing to save, barely anything. I had no health insurance because contract work and if I’d gone to rehab as was suggested I would have been able to walk sooner but would have also been homeless sooner as well. I only got paid for the hours I worked, there was no sick leave for me.
I would rather not go through that shit again. I will gain employment, I have a network cultivating on LinkedIn, but that was the scariest shit I’ve been through in a long time and my mental still needs a vacation.
I have a love affair with Interior Design YouTube only those with a minimalist leaning. People say no one likes to clean and sometimes I don’t. But throw on my 80s Pop playlist on a Saturday and get down to business and I absolutely do enjoy cleaning[2].
Anhedonia prevents those good vibes from presenting themselves but when well, I love it.
Shit, I forgot I was talking about software.
I am using Notion to track the entire move. Reynard Lowell, DIY with KB have been instrumental in me gearing up for moving.
Reynard has Notion templates for sale, and while I probably wouldn’t have spent the money on something like this any other time, it’s saved me more times than I can count this year.
Look, I am tired, I’ve been writing this for two, three days, and I am hungry. It is almost 12 AM, and my brain is fried. So of this is starting to sound like words falling off a table it’s because my eyes are crossed.
Here. Take a look at this. I may elaborate in another post but for now I need to eat and sleep.
SaveToNotion Clipper
This makes it easy to save things to Notion in a way that is 10x better than the official clipper. Am I worried about privacy? No, not really. There’s nothing the extension has access to in the Notion app that is sensitive and besides, why would anyone store sensitive info in an app like Notion?
Below is an example of how the clipper works: